Clarksburg School
Now offering ONLINE Payments for Preschool Tuition!
We now offer the convenience of making payments for Clarksburg Preschool Tutition through UniPay. With UniPay, Clarksburg residents and Non-residents can easily pay ONLINE, or from their mobile device. Enjoy the benefit of automated payments when you sign up for an account.
Have your checkbook or Mastercard/Discover/AMEX credit card in hand, and then...
1) Go to: https://unipaygold.unibank.com/transactionInfo.aspx?CustomerID=537&TransID=33282
2) Select Preschool Tuition and complete required fields
3) Or scan the QR Code below
4) Add to cart *enroll in automated payments by clicking "Setup Recurring Payments"
UniBank, our banking partner, will charge a nominal processing fee for credit card payments. A fee schedule is located on the welcome page for your convenience. use your checking account and there will be a nominal $.50 per cart fee.